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The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; 

“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, then Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.”
We only need 100 special people to donate £100 each to build our NEW Masjid
This is our blessed masjid in the beautiful town of Rochdale. We’ve been serving our local Muslim community for the past 10 years and developed a great relationship with our non Muslim neighbours. Just look at this!

Alhamdulillah the community is growing, however we are rapidly RUNNING OUT OF SPACE
and we’re struggling to provide the vital services required by our congregation.
like Islamic education for children and a funeral service.

Sadly we’re running out of money and we need to raise £10,000 or the construction works could stop. We desperately need your help!

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; 
“Whoever builds a HOUSE for Allah, Allah will build for him a HOUSE in Paradise.”

Just think of the rewards you can get by helping a masjid that’s far from any other masjid.
In this masjid more than 20 languages are spoken and this shows the diversity of the local Muslim community. 

All we need are 100 people from the 1.5 billion people of our Ummah to donate £100 each

Brothers and sisters your masjid needs you! Build a house in Jannah by helping us build this masjid.

We only need 2800 special people to donate £100 each to build our NEW Masjid
  •  Share in the reward of whoever acquires KNOWLEDGE of Allah (swt) and His deen.
  • ​Share in the reward of whoever prays SALAH 
  • ​Share in the reward of whoever FASTS
  •  Share in the reward of whoever gets connected to the QURAN
  • ​Share in the reward of someone who takes SHAHADAH & every good deed they & their offspring do!!
  • ​If any hardship is removed from a BELIEVER, you will get rewarded
We only need 100 special people to donate £100 each to build our NEW Masjid
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